Words that meant a lot to me

Created by Lynda 3 years ago

I met Paul after his diagnosis.  He very eloquently told me about his diagnosis, his treatment and his feelings about how we view dying in our society.  We also talked about cycling!

Paul very generously gave some time to my colleagues in Macmillan when we were developing thoughts on how we could best support the growing number of people in the UK living with cancer that can be treated but not cured.  Out of this work came new Macmillan services that will continue to support people who need them most now and in the future.

Paul came and talked at our annual stsff conference.  Our 1500 members of staff sat and listened as he told us what was happening to him.  You could hear a pin drop and he left an impression of a thoughtful and kind man with so much life to live cut down in his prime by a disease that affects people indiscriminately.

Paul’s words left a lasting impact on me and I put his closing words up on the wall of my office and look at them every day to remind me that life is precious.  They are:

“So if we had a glass of something with us I would raise a toast and say, to life, whilst we have it, lets enjoy it with those who are important to us.”

My most sincere thoughts and condolensces are with Paul’s family and friends at this sad time.

Lynda  Thomas,CEO, Macmillan Cancer Support